Monday, September 21, 2009

Obama's global support put to the test?

President Obama, facing daunting domestic challenges, may have another tough battle on his hands: maintaining the United States' growing popularity throughout the world. And the spotlight will focus on global issues this week.

On Tuesday, Obama meets with the Israeli and Palestinian leaders separately and then jointly. He will also meet late that day with Chinese President Hu Jintao and speak to the Clinton Global Initiative meeting.

The president meets Wednesday with Japan's new prime minister and addresses the U.N. General Assembly. Later, he will meet with Russian President Dmitry Medvedev -- their first face to face meeting since Obama's decision to scale back U.S. missile defense plans in the Czech Republic.

Later Friday, Obama will take part in two G-20 meetings in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, focused on the global economy.

President Obama delivered a speech to the Muslim world this summer in Egypt.

President Obama delivered a speech to the Muslim world this summer in Egypt.


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